“Great Lake Jumper” completes 365th consecutive dive into Lake Michigan

by Eric (WKQX-FM - June 13, 2021)

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What started as a way for a Chicago man to relieve stress during the lockdown — ended with the “Great Lake Jumper” taking his 365th consecutive dive into Lake Michigan in front of a crowd of supporters on Saturday. As more and more people began to notice his daily ritual, he used to opportunity to ask for funds to be donated to CIVL — the organization dedicated to preserving Chicago’s many independent music venues.



About CIVL | Chicago Independent Venue League

Chicago Independent Venue League (CIVL) advocates on behalf of Chicago’s independently owned and operated concert venues and music halls. Founded in 2018, CIVL works to ensure the long-term viability of its member venues so they may continue to provide event-goers with enjoyable live music experiences.

Chicago’s reputation as a world renowned live music hub is largely due to independently owned and operated music venues’ legacies of nurturing homegrown talent. Performers from every genre are afforded opportunities to earn national recognition. More than 50 CIVL member venues proudly represent Chicago’s culture and musical style.

CIVL is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit organization. Visit CIVLChicago.com for more information or to contribute.


1644 N Honore St - Suite 100 Chicago, IL 60622
